So about 2 weeks ago I started my new job! I LOVE it!! It is so fun for me to be back in a salon doing hair on a really regular basis. As most of you know I have spent the last 4 years only doing hair from my home! While this has been great, it is completely different from being in a salon. I have always loved doing hair, and it kind of amazes me that I still love doing hair this much! Sometimes people get bored of their jobs, I don't see that happening with me as hair styles are always changing.
I work at a salon just across the street from me so it is very quick walk to work. I can sneak home on my lunch breaks and say hi to my AMAZING husband and wonderful kiddos!!!
Mike has taken on the role of stay-at-home dad, and he is kicking butt!!! I come home often to home cooked meals and fresh baked cookies. Not to mention two kids who are beyond excited to see me for once! I am now the novelty! It is a real treat! My boss already knows that I will only be available for full time work this summer. Come Sept. when Mike goes back to school I will drop down to part time hours. Someone has to be here to watch the kids. :)
I think that this has been such a blessing in our lives right now. Mike applied to so many jobs with no luck. I also had several resumes out, and just happened to get a call. By working full time this summer I can build up some cliental who hopefully will come to see me when I work part time. This way I can hopefully make some extra cash throughout the school year too.
Sorry the posts have been almost non-existant lately and also for the shortage of pictures!! Hopefully my next post will be sooner and more exciting! If you live close by....feel free to stop by and get your hair done!!! :)