Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pregnancy Hair!!!

     I LOVE pregnancy grows thick and healthy, and none of it falls out! Seriously.... I can go 3-5 days without brushing my hair, shower and have like 3-4 strands of hair that come off my head.... Here is proof!
     Yes I am totally showing you my collection of hair on my shower wall. I am doing so because I know I am going to freak out again when I start loosing all this beautiful pregnancy hair. Even though I know it is coming, after having experienced it with both my other babies. But for now, I am going to enjoy the last few months with my hair.
     I have also been "training" my hair for about the last year. I had read on so many blogs about people going 4-5 days or a week between washing their hair, and I was like "that is so not me!! I could never getaway with that!" I felt like I must have had the greasiest hair on the planet. I could barely go two days without it looking bad. So I started doing some research....and learned how to train my hair to be less oily. I don't know why the concept had never occurred to me before but it can be compared to many other functions of the human body. For example, you wash your rehydrate it with moisturizer, or your face can over produce oils to compensate. The comparison I related to most though was actually breast feeding. As long as there is a demand for milk the body will keep producing. The more you nurse the more milk your body produces, the less and less you nurse your body adjusts and slows down milk production. It finally clicked for me!
     The more I wash my hair, the more oils my body is producing to try to compensate for me stripping my hair of them every two days or less. So if I start stretching out the times between washing....I should be able to regulate my oiliness! Yay....and hallelujah!!! So I began slow....I started pushing my washes to every 3 days...usually planning it so I was home on the third day! I also picked up some dry shampoo to get me through the really bad days. Eventually things evened out, so I pushed to the 4th day. And so on and so on! I now wash my hair every 4-5 days, and it looks great in between too! Here's proof!
It also really helps if I style it well the first day, here it is just blow dried with a round brush!  Day 1
I honestly woke up out of bed tossed on some mascara and got dressed. I did not touch my hair Day 2!
Day 3 I get more volume and curl in it again, but still didn't do much of anything with it! 
Day 4 I usually wear it back, something like this.... if needed I will toss in a little dry shampoo! 
And this is an old picture, as was the last, but this is typically how I do my hair if I push it to Day 5!!! Just a nice big bun, similar to those sock buns floating around the internet!! 
Either way, I love that I can get sooooo much wear out of my hair these days. Added to that the thick lush prego hair and this girl is one happy camper!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

33 weeks!

     So I am having doctors appointments every two weeks now....which is kind of fun, but also kind of a pain in the butt. Walking is getting HARD!!!! Lol, it usually takes me about 15 min at my speedy Toronto walker pace to get to my doctors office.....last time I walked(waddled) it took me over 20 min. It's just uncomfortable....I cramp a lot....I have pelvic floor pain....and did I mention I waddle.... ya.... walking isn't so fun any more. But I am getting nearer to the finish line so I am try to stay positive about it. Mikes new semester schedual allows him to take Mason to school 4/5 days. So I only have to walk him there once a week, but pick him up everyday. It is a nice break. It will be interesting to see how that goes as I get nearer my due date as well.
     I finally asked my doctor about my dates, and we are now all on the same page. They had my due date as March 3rd, but hadn't changed the weeks to match. After that was updated, my official timeline is that I am 33 weeks,  3 days today, and I have 46 days to go!!!! So exciting!

So for another update
- as mentioned I am 33 weeks 3 days
- I am starting to really think about my labour plans and hospital preparation
- other that diapers and wipes, we are completely ready for this baby
- heartburn is almost my constant companion these days...tums and antacid chews are not my favorite.
- I's the truth...but I try hard not to.
- weight gain is now is around/just over 10 lbs
- baby weighs just over 4 lbs at this point.
- Braxton hicks have also showed their face often enough
- a few of my friends have felt this little guy wiggling around, and Mike has been kicked in the back more times than he would like, I am sure.
- have I ever mentioned my hair is FABULOUS right now! Well it much so, that it might deserves blog post all of its own!
-the kids are getting more excited about the baby coming.....mostly just having their mom back to cuddle and play with instead of the beached whale that has been hanging out on the couch!
     Overall I have to say that things are still pretty good. And I know I could be dealing with worse things, so I try to keep the complaining down. I am very excited to meet this little guy and hope the next few weeks go by fast! :)