Monday, February 18, 2013

38 weeks!

I am not going to lie.....I secretly hoped I wouldn't ever get to write this post! I mean what pregnant women doesn't want to go into labour a little early? I have been late with both my other children, realistically I should just assume I will be late with all. But I am 38 weeks, and considered full term. Baby could come any day, but on the long end I will only be pregnant for a maximum of 21 more days. I am due in 14. If I had my way, baby would come today or at least this week.....Mike is off all week for reading week, it would just be really good timing! :) A girl can always hope.
So some stats....
-38 weeks pregnant, baby should weigh around 6 1/2 pounds around this point
- my weight gain is right around the 15 pound mark
-my heartburn isn't so terrible all the time, it just feels like all my food is sitting in my throat.
-baby is finding uncomfortable places to poke and jab at me, there is not much more room in there.
-sleep is getting a lot harder, every position is uncomfortable at this point.
-if I walk more than 15-20 min I am pretty much out of commission for the rest of the day. Darn those hips and pelvic muscles.
-the kids are super excited to meet this little guy, as are Mike and I. We all talk to him everyday and tell him it's time to come out. He doesn't seem to be listening very well. :)
-I will be having the doctor check things out this week to see if anything is happening...fingers crossed!
- we still haven't set a name, or even come really close at this point. Guess we better get cracking on that!
-he is still a very active baby despite the lack of room. Mike always says he has never felt a baby move so much, and he is excited to see what he is like when he is out and has room to move around.
We are all very anxious to have this little guy out of my belly and in our arms. The kids have been talking about what they want to do when he gets here. Mason told me that he wanted to gently cuddle the baby laying down, maybe on Aubrey's bed because his bed is too high. Aubrey says she is going to share her barbies with him and give him kisses too. Hopefully they remember all these things when he gets here!
This week we also had a friend come and do some family/maternity pictures for us. Here are a few of my favourite.


Her name is Meaghan Milne, she did a great job and if you are in the Toronto area and interested here is her website. It was so nice to have some pictures captured of our growing family, and I am looking forward to doing more family pictures once this little guy arrives!