Saturday, December 24, 2011

Miracle Moment!!

It really was a miracle that my caramels turned out!! It was all too late when I realized that my candy thermometer (brand new I might add) was definitely not working!
I first saw this recipe on pinterest. My mouth was watering when I saw it! Apple Cider Caramels! Come on, that is like candy apple with out having to gnaw on the apple!!
I also happen to LOVE caramel apple ciders from Starbucks!! YUMMY!!
When I went to the website I found out that the recipe actually came from one of my other favorite sites, Our Best Bites, which you should totally check out if you haven't already!
This was my very first batch of caramels ever! I had read and re-read the recipe, it didn't sound too hard! Just had to make sure you got it to the right temperature!
But I knew something was wrong when that thermometer
wasn't going any higher than 200˚F!!!
It would get close and then drop, then close again and then drop!

If any of you have made candy you know there isn't a lot of time to stop and consult the internet for other methods to check your candy's readiness! So I went way over to the farthest corners of my brain and tried to remember what I had seen my mother ages ago!!

Something was ringing a bell about a glass of cold water and being able to roll a ball with the candy! I don't know how many times I dropped candy into that water, but finally I had success! I poured it into my pan and let them set!
They turned out better than I could have expected! Soooo good! Unless you have someone standing over your shoulder snapping pictures as you go...its hard to get pictures of the you just get to look at the delicious aftermath!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Check out this Giveaway!

I wish my blog was big enough to offer a giveaway....but it's not!! ha ha!! So head on over to Better After to check out the giveaway there! Super cute dress, wouldn't you love to win it!!! I sure would!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Hair

It was high time that both Aubrey and I had haircuts! And I finally made it happen!
Aubrey was easy....I just had to pull out my hair bag, she willingly hopped into the chair and away we went. I think seeing haircuts is routine enough for her that there is nothing to fear!
She did awesome of course!
Sat perfectly still and no fussing!
It was definitely time to get rid of the mullet.
Even though it would curl up, it was just crazy messy all the time. Now maybe it will grow out a little more evenly! I think she looks super cute!

My hair on the other hand was going to be a little more tricky.....if I could cut it myself I totally would....and don't get me wrong...I still do my fair share of cutting on my hair, but to get a good straight cut at the is best off if I let someone else do that! But WHO????
I kind of like my hair a certain way, and I often tell whoever is cutting it(usually a good friend)just how they should do it. Maybe I was a little annoying...I don't would have to ask them!! :) Add to that, the student doesn't leave a lot of room for fancy hairdo's!! Groupon to the rescue!!! Haircuts here in downtown Toronto are pricey! Like $50 starting point for a women's haircut! I have *never* paid for a haircut in my life!!! It was always done at the salon I worked at or in trade with a friend! So I literally jumped on the Groupon deal for a $29 haircut at a respectable salon.
I knew I would be losing a lot of hair. After lightening it in June, and then
not getting it cut for 6 months(gasp!!!!) my ends were FRIED!!
This was my hair before the may not look that bad...but trust me IT WAS!!!!
I totally feel for you all having to go out and find a new stylist!! STRESSFUL!!! The one I got was nice though and did an okay job.... I knew the moment she said she was done that I would be "touching" it up at home!! I lost a good 4-5 inches at the salon, and even though I didn't touch the length....this was the pile that came off after I got home!!!
ha ha ha I like a lot of texturizing in my hair and she hardly did any!!
Thanks for the good "base cut" and I am much happier now that I have taken my scissors to it too!!!!

Here is a Before and After shot for you!!!
I am happy with it now, and my hair is so much
Even though I know my hair is still long...
it just feels so short now!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Busy Body!!!

My little girl is now almost 20 months old!!! It is crazy to think that she will be 2 in just over 4 months!!!!! She is definitely a busy body now and is getting into a lot of things. I will be the first to admit she is far from being the worst! I have heard others horror stories! But still she does get into things and it makes me laugh!! She is obsessed with bags....plastic bags, paper bags, bags with handles, mommy's bag, or daddy's backpack(which is why she is getting a backpack of her own for Christmas).
The other day she was really quiet(never a good sign) I and found her devouring skittles as fast as she could! I cleaned up that mess to turn around and find her hiding behind the couch with my onions peeling off the brown skins and spreading them all over the floor!
She is also fond of tearing the pages out of Mason's colouring books and using the crayons/felts to colour on the chairs or herself. Mostly she is just cute while she is doing all of this! I try to keep the things I really don't want her getting into out of her reach!
The other day while Mike was shaving in the bathroom and I was with Mason in the living room, Aubrey was well....busy!! Mike could hear her saying "what 'bout cupcakes!" over and over.....she got this saying from a Funniest Home Videos clip....Mike went into our bedroom to find her pulling the fabric sheets out one by one saying "what 'bout cupcakes" with each one. Of course you pull out the camera to catch her in action and the saying stops....but it was still cute...cute enough I thought I would share!!
Have your kids recently gotten into anything you didn't really want them getting into?I still am dreading the day my kids find my haircutting things....I just don't even want to think about it!! ha ha, here's to cheeks filled with skittles and onion peels under the couch!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I will just let you know now....we are going to have some girl chat. If by any chance there are guys out there that read this blog....feel free to skip this one!! I think we are all big girls and it is shouldn't be awkward to talk about this.
I am talking about "that time of the month"!! I am curious to see if others have had as many issues with irregularity as I have!! And if so....howhave you gone about dealing with it.
My whole life I have been as regular as clock work. Within a day that it was to be expected it came....and when it didn't I knew without have to take a test that I was pregnant! Even after I had Mason I went back to my very regular schedule just 6 weeks after having him!!!
No nice break for me!!! Well after I had Aubrey I went a couple months without my period. It was a nice little break. Then I got one, then I missed a another one and have been somewhat regular since then....sort of....It does come roughly every month....sometimes more. I went from being a solid 28 day cycle girl to having it come at day 24, then day 26, then day 21, then day 25, then day 19, then day 28 to the most recent 17 stinking days!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? That is only a week and a half after I just finished my last one!!!! This completely unpredictable cycle has left me stranded on a subway with 2 kids and nothing but white
shorts.....sad has left me wondering if I am pregnant when it actually doesn't come until day 28 1/ has just left me frustrated!!!
Along with being completely irregular in my cycle times my moods and cramps come and go depending on the month. Last month was fine no problems...this time Mike probably thought I was going to bite his head off...and I am desperately searching for the Tylenol bottle (which I even put off as long as I can because I hate taking pills).
I am thinking it is about time that I go talk to my doctor. For the first time in my life I have a female doctor and from what I have seen with her working with the kids she is great. I totally feel for all you women out there that have suffered with irregular cycles your whole have you figured it out....or do you just grin and sort of bear it?
Well I can say for myself....I am about ready to be REGULAR again!!! Well here is to my 2 best friend this week!

Hope your "week" goes better than mine!!! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dangerously Addictive!!!

I have to share this everywhere!!! I found this little gem on pintrest!!! By the way... I LOVE pintrest.....but I can talk about that another day...because right now I have to show my newest discovery....which very well could be my downfall!
I am talking about chocolate.....a fudgey gooey brownie, baked in a the microwave in under 2 minutes!!!
Ya you ready for this "dangerously easy" wonder!!!! I have it
I am just saying.....if you need a chocolate a hurry....this is for you! But be warned it is "dangerously easy" and very tasty!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I saw this on a friends blog and thought it would be a neat way to get to know a bit more about me!


A. age :: 25

B. bed size :: currently a double/full....used to be a queen, but we left that at home when we moved, and we received our
current one for free! we sleep close anyways so who needs a big bed right?? lol

C. chore you hate :: dishes-- Never have liked them....but thankfully Mike does them almost every night after supper! I can handle that.... :)

D. dogs :: Mike keeps begging me for one but we are not currently in the position to own one! One day hun!!

E. essential start to your day :: enough sleep!! lol, Mike knows everyones days will go better when momma gets enough sleep!!

F. favorite color :: don't know that I have one....I definitely go through color phases....I do love how pink
makes everything girly and happy....maybe I just love pink on Aubrey though!

G. gold or silver ::silver

H. height :: 5'11" or taller if I decide to wear heels! :)

I. instruments you play :: flute, and I can pluck a tune one handed on the piano....

J. job title :: Professionally~Hairstylist, currently Mom, and possibly upcoming receptionist!

K. kids :: Mason 3 1/2 and Aubrey
1 1/2

L. live :: Downtown Toronto

M. maiden name :: Richardson

N. nicknames :: it has always made me sad, but I have never really had a nickname! Not much you can do with Carla...."hey Car...oh wait...uh nevermind!!" :P lol

O. overnight hospital stays :: one night with each of my kids, and one night when I had a miscarriage/D&C.

P. pet peeve :: Being late!!!!!

Q. quote :: I used to have so many that I loved...then I had kids and now I can't remember any of them!

R. righty or lefty :: righty

S. siblings :: do we really want to get into Laura, Shelly, Jenn, Michael, Erin, Jonathan, Emily, and add 6 brothers in law, and 6 sisters in law!! Family get togethers are CRAZY but AMAZING!!

T. time you wake up :: My kids usually wake up between 6:00 and 7:00, my wonderful husband often lets me sleep longer!! :)

U. university attended :: No official University, but I have my
Journeyman Certificate License as a Hairstylist!

V. vegetables you dislike: I have never liked peas.....I try not to let
my kids know that....and I eat them like a good girl but I have NEVER liked them!! They don't even taste sort of okay to me!! lol

W. what makes you run late ::usually my husband or my kids! If it were always up to me we would be 10 min early for everything. Because I am so extreme we usually make it to most things on time!

X. x-rays you’ve had ::one on my knee when it was giving me problems a few years ago.

Y. yummy food :: well this list could also go on forever!! But mostly I love any baking!!!!
Cookies, pies, brownies, breads, buns, and almost anything with cheese is good in my books!! I really just love food way too much...

Z. zoo animal favorite :: I always liked the African section!!
Giraffes, Hippos, Elephants, Zebras, Lions etc.....

I mentioned that I love food right?? :)
So there you have some random facts about me! Hope you enjoyed!

Friday, October 21, 2011

How do you tell your 3 year old....

So a little while ago I posted about Mason wanting to marry someone he loves, which of course I thought was soooo sweet!!!! Mike loves to ask Mason really interesting questions to get him thinking, so last night at the dinner table Mike asked "Mason who are you going to marry when you grow up?"
"I am going to marry Mommy!!!" came his quick reply!!
I am sure this in not the first time in history that a child has wanted to marry their parent....ha ha that sounds weird, but as an innocent 3 year old it is adorable!
But as soon as Mike told Mason that he couldn't marry his mommy the heartbreak was clearly evident on his face!! With a look of dismay that practically broke my heart he said...."but I love her!!!"
I am serious when I say he was on the verge of tears!!! How do you tell your 3 year old that he can't marry you and break his little heart!!! We did our best to explain that I was already married to daddy and that I couldn't marry anyone else. We tried to tell him that he would find someone one day that he loved even more than mommy....that was a flop as he just kept saying "but I love mommy!!"
I told him over and over that I loved him too, and to not worry because I will always love him!! We changed subjects and resumed eating our dinner....maybe we are still a little young to grasp the concept!! I am not too worried about it, he is after all only 3!! But it sure was sweet to know that he loves me so much!!
Have you ever had to break a little kids heart?? How did you let them down easy?? lol
I will cherish these times that he loves me so much....because he might not like me so much when he hits the teen years! Here is to hoping he never forgets how much I love him!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Oh the many things you see.....

Well we have been here for over a month, and it really is feeling like home now. One month down so many more to go!!! We can do it!! ha actually has been a really fun and amazing and for the most part an easy transition. I wanted to let you all in on some of the big/funny/weird/ or amusing differences of living in downtown Toronto!!
There were some things that really stood out at the beginning that made me feel like "Wow, I am definitely not in small town Alberta any more!! Like for instance......the view out our window went from this
to this!!
Another big one.....we went from driving
this(which I only have missed having once or twice!!)
to relying mostly on this (which is still really exciting for my kids)
and this.
Mason is a real trooper and it is now rare to hear him
complain about his legs being too tired.

We also had our own washer and dryer and now have to go down 5 floors to use the coin operated laundry!!! The bonus of that, is that I can use as many washers and dryers as I need!! Say yes to getting 3-4 loads of laundry all done in and 1 1/2hrs!!! Minus the folding....which I procrastinate!! But a big frown to having to pay for every load :(

But there have also been a lot of little changes that I think are funny or weird or just plain different!! Take for instance milk in a bag.....what the what??? I am cannot buy 4 liter jugs of milk here. You buy 4 liter bags....which have 3 smaller bags in them that you place in your milk pitchers!!
I still think it is weird :) ha ha

We also used to see black bears.....
and now we see black squirrels....
I don't know why but if you ask me black
squirrels just seem more creepy than the cute little brown ones!! ha ha

There are also very few coniferous trees out here, but a huge variety of everything else resulting in BEAUTIFUL fall colors. The leaves are just starting to change and I am so excited to see all the different colors.
Did I mention that the leaves are HUGE too!!!
Just some of, I don't know that I
have seen such big leaves on a tree before!

They also like to decorate their flowerbeds with cabbage heads....
I am sure they are not really cabbage heads but that is what they remind me of!
They also cover so many buildings in green stuff too!! ha ha, which I absolutely love!!
The pigeons are everywhere!! Mason loves to
chase them when ever he gets the chance!
And Aubrey is really starting to fit in here! lol, she loves wearing my scarves just as much as I do, but she is so much cuter!!
That is us in a nutshell here! We are loving living in the big city and find it so fun to do all of the neat things Toronto has to offer! We would be more than happy to have anyone come to visit us, so if you are ever out this way give us a shout and we will show you the ropes!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blog Brain!!

I am sure it happens to everyone who starts up a start thinking your day in blog posts!! Kind of like when facebook came out everyone was thinking in 3rd person status updates!! Carla Sommerfeld wants chocolate!!! Well I definitely have blog brain!!
I am constantly thinking of things throughout the day that I would like to blog about....only problem is that I sit down to write and can't think of a single one of my witty blog posts!! The other problem is just finding the time to
write!!! oye!! Even right now I should be getting that pumpkin used up in my fridge and make a wonderful dessert out of it...or I should stop my kids from the never ending bickering....which will probably only get worse as Aubrey learns to talk back!! Or I could get busy and sort the mail stacking up on my fridge!
But instead today I decided to at least write this
post.....oh blog brain! I am sure one day I will get up all the fun posts I want to do!! All the way from downtown Toronto!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Someone I Love!!

We are a pretty lovey-dovey family.....We say I love you a million times through the day, me to the kids, the kids to me, Mike to me and me to Mike!! Even Aubrey, when prompted, will intone "I uuuhh oouuhh!!" Way cuter when she says it than when I type it! Hugs and kisses and raspberries and tickle wars are common ground in our house too. I really want my kids to know how much I love them and how much Mike and I love each other!! The things that stand out to me as a kid as special moments I try to remember to do with my kids! And of course Mike and I try to set a good example for our kids too. We both feel we had great examples for parents and we want to try to have our kids feel the same about us.
Well the other day Mason said something that really touched me!! Mike asked Mason "Are you going to marry a lady someday??" Mason simply turned to Mike and in words so beyond his age he said "I want to marry someone I love!"
Mason I hope you remember that for when you are older and I hope that I can keep being a good example of someone that loves their spouse!!
Out of the mouth of babes..... sometimes the things they say amaze me!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Toronto Bound!!

I had intentions of writing this post prior to leaving for Toronto. But in the craziness of it all....well it never happened. There was so much to worry about prior to leaving, but in the end everything turned out just fine! The day we left to come here went relatively well as can be expected with 13 luggage items and 2 kids!!!!
My dad drove us to the airport bright and early...we were up at 4:30...I guess it was a good way to get on Toronto was already 6:30 there! Things went unbelievably well at the Edmonton airport! BEST experience I
have had yet! Maybe it was because it was my first in Canada flight and we didn't have to go through customs. We dropped off our 6 checked bags and carseat, then continued on through security. We were still hauling 6 carry-ons and 2 kids, so it was really nice when one of the airport workers offered us a ride on his airport cart to our gate!! LIFE SAVER!!! ha ha
We found our gate, grabbed some breakfast from a little shop (fruit cup and danish- oh so healthy I know!!) :)
We only had a short wait until our flight started to board....we were priority boarding with our 2 kids and so we quickly loaded
the plane and in no time we were off! Mas
on absolutely loved it!!! It was sooo exciting for him to watch the ground get further away and all of the cars and houses to look like tiny ants! We let him have the window seat and he stayed glued to it watching until we could no longer see the ground with the cloud cover! Then we switched to movies on the laptop! We weren't sure if our plane would have an in flight movie, so we had bought Rio and saved it for the flight! It worked great! Aubrey did really good for most of the flight too. She started to get a little restless but finally fell asleep for a much needed nap!! We landed safely in Toronto on schedule and with only 1 item of luggage taking it's sweet time to get to us(broken belt and a 20 min wait) and now we jus
t had to get to our place!!
Just call a cab!!! It sounded easy
enough, but it was almost my breaking point!!! I called the taxi service we had planned on using and told them we needed a minivan taxi at terminal 1(at least that is where I thought we were). We waited the allotted time and started to wonder....we looked around and couldn't see any clear sign for terminal one so we started to wonder....we asked someone where we were supposed to get out taxi and they pointed us down the line to a sign clearly labelled as the place to wait for a we quickly hurried over and I made a quick phone call back to the taxi company to let them know we had waited in the wrong spot and we were now where we were supposed to be. After waiting on hold with them for 10 min they finally informed me that the taxi came and we weren't there and they didn't have any more taxi's for us!
It may not have seemed like that big of a deal to some.....but I lost it....I started crying...I was in a foreign
city, with a massive amount of luggage, 2 tired kids and 2 lost adults!! Mike flagged someone down and asked how to get a new taxi, they called one for us and shortly we had a taxi.....but he looked at all our stuff and said it wouldn't fit!!! Not all of our stuff and us!! I almost bawled again until Mike simply asked if we couldn't just hold one of our kids on our lap! Yup you can and away we went!! Thank goodness for a husband that can keep a cool head!
I don't look to impressed, but mostly I am trying to stay composed so I don't bawl my eyes out. Both kids fell asleep on the way to our place as we took our first cab ride and got our first sight of the CN Tower and of downtown Toronto!!
My friend was waiting at our place with our small crate of items that were shipped and she showed us the ropes of getting moved into our apartment and finding the grocery store and how to get around Toronto. She and he
r family also had us over for dinner the first night and were just amazing for helping us out! I literally couldn't have done it with out her!! We are mostly settled now and we are getting pretty used to walking everywhere. It has been the hardest on Mason as he is having to learn that he must ALWAYS hold onto the stroller or mine or Mikes hand, and he often tells us that his legs are getting tired. Poor guy! We tell him he is amazing and strong and fast like superman and he usually picks up and keeps going. I am sooo proud of him!! We have taken the subway numerous times and we have walked everywhere! Thank goodness you can access all your needs with in a block!!! We have got to do a lot of really cool things already, we have been to the ROM(Royal Ontario Museum) twice already. It is free every Wed. between 3:30 and 5:30. We have been down to the harbour front we have been to a Blue Jays game(they even had a pretty amazing come-back win!) and we have walked and seen some amazing buildings that a a part of the University of Toronto. We have been so blessed and I feel so luck to have to opportunity to live here for the next 2 years! We are on a crazy tag a long and find out a little more about Toronto through our eyes!!! Sorry this was a MASSIVE post, I will try to stay more consistent so you don't have to read a novel every time!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Being a Stay at Home MOM!!

I was browsing through some of my favorite blogs (like I often do) and came across this story. I am certain that she posted it around mothers day which of course was perfect- as it was about mothers. I gave it a quick read and was so glad I did. It reminded me of why I LOVE being a stay at home mom!! Yes there are times that it is trying, and times that I loose my patience, or feel under-appreciated, but I TRULY do love my role as mother to my 2 beautiful, awesome, amazing, wonderful children!!!!! I am not sure where she found this story to share, but I would like to share it with you!!!

Invisible Mothers
It all began to make sense, the blank stares, the lack of response, the way one of the kids will walk into the room while I'm on the phone and ask to be taken to the store.
Inside I'm thinking, 'Can't you see I'm on the phone?'
Obviously not; no one can see if I'm on the phone, or cooking, or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see me at all.
I'm invisible - The invisible Mom.
Some days I am only a pair of hands, nothing more.
"Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you open this?"
Some days I'm not a pair of hands; I'm not even a human being. I'm a clock to ask, 'What time is it?'
I'm a satellite guide to answer, 'What number is the Disney Channel?'
I'm a car to order, 'Right around 5:30, please.'
I was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes that studied history and the mind that graduated summa cum laude - but now they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. She's going, she's going, she's gone!
One night, a group of us were having dinner,celebrating the return of a friend from England. Janice had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting there, looking around at the others all put together so well.
It was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when Janice turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, 'I brought you this.' It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe. I wasn't exactly sure why she'd given it to me until I read her inscription:
'To Charlotte, with admiration for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees.'

In the days ahead I would read - no, devour - the book. And I would discover what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work: No one can say who built the great cathedrals - we have no record of their names. These builders gave their whole lives for a work they would never see finished. They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. The passion of their building was fueled by their faith that the eyes of God saw everything.
A legendary story in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built,
and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man,
'Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by the roof?
No one will ever see it.'

And the workman replied, 'Because God sees.'
I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall into place. It was almost as if I heard God whispering to me, 'I see you, Charlotte. I see the sacrifices you make every day, even when no one around you does.
No act of kindness you've done, no sequin you've sewn on, no cupcake you've baked, is too small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can't see right now what it will

At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is not a disease that is erasing my life. It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness. It is the antidote to my strong, stubborn pride.
I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of the people who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work on something that their name will never be on.
The writer of the book went so far as to say that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime
because there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree.

When I really think about it, I don't want my son to tell the friend he's bringing home from college for Thanksgiving, 'My Mom gets up at 4 in the morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey for three hours and presses all the linens for the table.' That would mean I'd built a shrine or a monument to myself. I just want him to want to come home. And then, if there is anything more to say to his friend, to add, 'You're gonna love it there.'

As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we're doing it right. And one day, it is very possible that the world will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the world by the sacrifices of invisible women.

Even if my kids think I am just an "invisible mom" at times, I am so grateful for the opportunity to raise them, and I hope that I can do a good job!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cake or Pie....or BOTH!!!

I am totally in love with the website Our Best Bites. I am seriously on it almost every day!! I have tried so many recipes off of it and I have not been disappointed once!!! My new favorite (and Mikes new favorite) is called Pumpkin Crumble!!! It is soooooo dee-lish!!!


Basically you take a cake mix put half of it in a pan pour pumpkin pie filling over top and sprinkle the rest of the cake mix over top. Drizzle with some butter and some pecans and you have a really fast and really amazing dessert!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hair!!!!

The two outside pictures are the befores, and the two middle pictures are the afters!
I love that you can see the feathers!

I colored my hair.......not a huge deal, I am a hairstylist, it happens often. But usually I maintain my dark. I have naturally dark dark brown hair, and I usually just go a smidge darker still so that I am almost black looking. It has been my look for years. Well I decided I wanted to go blonde.......I was fully aware that this would be an almost impossible task, but I decided to tackle it anyways. I was willing to take my hair as light at I could get it!!! Well my hair doesn't like going blonde.....not one bit!!!! By that I mean my hair that has been colored dark for so many years does not like going blonde!
My younger sister was up and we had just finished coloring her hair a rich dark auburn brown, and I decided it was time to tackle mine! I should never try this at home, on your own especially late at night!! Unless you know what you are doing and even is better to get someone else to do it!! I know what I am doing but I still got my sister to help out where needed! For never having colored hair in her life, she did a pretty good job. But in the end I was still and awful shade of gold/orange!!! A couple colors on top of that and a heavy dose of some ash brown and I finally had a hair color I liked!! Not as light as I might have been hoping to get but definitely lighter!!! I am enjoying the new look and enjoying it even more after one of my friends came and gave me an awesome new cut!!!!
Ooooooh and just to add to the fun I threw in some feather extentions........I am totally loving it!!!!
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Date Night!!!!

Mike and I had a fun date night the other night. I love that the weather was perfect and we were able to go out and have a good time! I sure am one lucky wife!! He has blessed my life so much and I am so lucky that he loves me soooo much!!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Snuggle Time

So every night possible, I take the time to have some one on one time with Mason!!! I recently had a talk with a close friend who is expecting her second child. With a busy toddler boy and expecting a girl, I knew exactly how she was feeling when she expressed her concern with loving baby num. 2 more!!! I was in the same boat!! How can you not love a cute, cuddly brand new baby girl???? She asked what I do to keep the balance? I told her that I have to really be aware of it and really think about it!!
Don't get me wrong!!!!! I LOVE my son!!!! But as any parent of a toddler can attest....they are busy and a lot of work!!! And my little girl is pretty much and angel!!! She has her moments no doubt but she is a doll!!! I am sure sometime within this year the terrible 2's will hit, but I am secretly hoping that it won't and she will just stay amazing forever!!
But back to my story.....I really try to take the time to let Mason know just how much I love him. Every night that I can I go in after prayers and stories and we have our snuggle time. I just love it!!! Some nights it lasts only 1 minute, and sometimes it is around 5! But we talk about our day and what we liked and I make sure and tell him a few things that he did that day that made me really happy. I think it is really good for him, and I know it is really good for me too. I need to remind myself how much I love him too. And every night before I walk out the door I turn back and tell him I love him sooo much!
The other thing I do every night is go into his room after he is asleep turn out the light and give him a kiss. And I just let all the love I have for him run through me!!! It is soooooo easy to love a quiet sleeping baby!!!
I am sure everyone has their ways of sharing the love, this is what works for me! Perhaps when my kids are teenagers I will be feeling all the love for my boy (I have heard girls are harder!! lol)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fathers Day's a Coming!

Three more days until Fathers day, and I am not sure what I am going to do for Mike......he's is probably reading this, or at least I am being hopeful that he might be the one and only person reading this right now. He already got his "fathers day gift" a few months early. Mike and I are bad at holding off for gifts. If we see something we want we usually get it and then claim it as an early gift.....I already have my birthday gift and my birthday isn't until August!!! I think we will just do a little something to try and make the day special for DAD but we won't be lavishing him with gifts this go around!
We sure are lucky to have such and amazing guy in our house!!! So he knows and so I can tell him here is a list of some of my favourite things about him!!!
1. He picked me!!! Out of all the other girls out there he picked me! And I am so glad he did!!
2. He is super SUPER easy to get along with!!! aka he often lets me get my way because he loves me so much!
3. He does the supper dishes almost every night after dinner!! I am one lucky girl! He also helps clean up and take care of the kids a lot!
4. He is an AMAZING dad!!! He may not think he is but I certainly do!! Mason and Aubrey adore him!!
5. He is a crazy hard worker and when he puts his mind to something he gets it done and he does it well!!
6. He has a huge soft spot for his little ladies!! Aubrey can melt his heart pretty darn quick. And I would like to believe I still do the same!
7. He loves taking Mason to the park and getting him little gifts. Namely cars and animals.
8. He sure loves his family and I think he likes mine quite a bit too!! I am so luck to have married into such a great family!!
9. He always makes me feel great about myself!! Who doesn't love to have a compliment here or two or three!!
10. I just think I lucked out and married the best guy out there!!! I couldn't be happier!
I hope he knows how much I love him.....I guess I will just have to sit down and make him read this come Sunday!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let the Pictures Begin!!

As I said earlier I need a spot to keep track of some of my favourite people in the whole world. It is almost impossible to get a picture of this guy with out a funny face!
My handsome little man!
I just love them in their Sunday best!!

I love her in dresses, to bad they are not the most practical for crawling!

I just love their smiles!!

Aren't these 2 adorable!!! I can't get enough of them!