Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I saw this on a friends blog and thought it would be a neat way to get to know a bit more about me!


A. age :: 25

B. bed size :: currently a double/full....used to be a queen, but we left that at home when we moved, and we received our
current one for free! we sleep close anyways so who needs a big bed right?? lol

C. chore you hate :: dishes-- Never have liked them....but thankfully Mike does them almost every night after supper! I can handle that.... :)

D. dogs :: Mike keeps begging me for one but we are not currently in the position to own one! One day hun!!

E. essential start to your day :: enough sleep!! lol, Mike knows everyones days will go better when momma gets enough sleep!!

F. favorite color :: don't know that I have one....I definitely go through color phases....I do love how pink
makes everything girly and happy....maybe I just love pink on Aubrey though!

G. gold or silver ::silver

H. height :: 5'11" or taller if I decide to wear heels! :)

I. instruments you play :: flute, and I can pluck a tune one handed on the piano....

J. job title :: Professionally~Hairstylist, currently Mom, and possibly upcoming receptionist!

K. kids :: Mason 3 1/2 and Aubrey
1 1/2

L. live :: Downtown Toronto

M. maiden name :: Richardson

N. nicknames :: it has always made me sad, but I have never really had a nickname! Not much you can do with Carla...."hey Car...oh wait...uh nevermind!!" :P lol

O. overnight hospital stays :: one night with each of my kids, and one night when I had a miscarriage/D&C.

P. pet peeve :: Being late!!!!!

Q. quote :: I used to have so many that I loved...then I had kids and now I can't remember any of them!

R. righty or lefty :: righty

S. siblings :: do we really want to get into this....lol.... Laura, Shelly, Jenn, Michael, Erin, Jonathan, Emily, and add 6 brothers in law, and 6 sisters in law!! Family get togethers are CRAZY but AMAZING!!

T. time you wake up :: My kids usually wake up between 6:00 and 7:00, my wonderful husband often lets me sleep longer!! :)

U. university attended :: No official University, but I have my
Journeyman Certificate License as a Hairstylist!

V. vegetables you dislike: I have never liked peas.....I try not to let
my kids know that....and I eat them like a good girl but I have NEVER liked them!! They don't even taste sort of okay to me!! lol

W. what makes you run late ::usually my husband or my kids! If it were always up to me we would be 10 min early for everything. Because I am so extreme we usually make it to most things on time!

X. x-rays you’ve had ::one on my knee when it was giving me problems a few years ago.

Y. yummy food :: well this list could also go on forever!! But mostly I love any baking!!!!
Cookies, pies, brownies, breads, buns, and almost anything with cheese is good in my books!! I really just love food way too much...

Z. zoo animal favorite :: I always liked the African section!!
Giraffes, Hippos, Elephants, Zebras, Lions etc.....

I mentioned that I love food right?? :)
So there you have some random facts about me! Hope you enjoyed!

Friday, October 21, 2011

How do you tell your 3 year old....

So a little while ago I posted about Mason wanting to marry someone he loves, which of course I thought was soooo sweet!!!! Mike loves to ask Mason really interesting questions to get him thinking, so last night at the dinner table Mike asked "Mason who are you going to marry when you grow up?"
"I am going to marry Mommy!!!" came his quick reply!!
I am sure this in not the first time in history that a child has wanted to marry their parent....ha ha that sounds weird, but as an innocent 3 year old it is adorable!
But as soon as Mike told Mason that he couldn't marry his mommy the heartbreak was clearly evident on his face!! With a look of dismay that practically broke my heart he said...."but I love her!!!"
I am serious when I say he was on the verge of tears!!! How do you tell your 3 year old that he can't marry you and break his little heart!!! We did our best to explain that I was already married to daddy and that I couldn't marry anyone else. We tried to tell him that he would find someone one day that he loved even more than mommy....that was a flop as he just kept saying "but I love mommy!!"
I told him over and over that I loved him too, and to not worry because I will always love him!! We changed subjects and resumed eating our dinner....maybe we are still a little young to grasp the concept!! I am not too worried about it, he is after all only 3!! But it sure was sweet to know that he loves me so much!!
Have you ever had to break a little kids heart?? How did you let them down easy?? lol
I will cherish these times that he loves me so much....because he might not like me so much when he hits the teen years! Here is to hoping he never forgets how much I love him!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Oh the many things you see.....

Well we have been here for over a month, and it really is feeling like home now. One month down so many more to go!!! We can do it!! ha ha....it actually has been a really fun and amazing and for the most part an easy transition. I wanted to let you all in on some of the big/funny/weird/ or amusing differences of living in downtown Toronto!!
There were some things that really stood out at the beginning that made me feel like "Wow, I am definitely not in small town Alberta any more!! Like for instance......the view out our window went from this
to this!!
Another big one.....we went from driving
this(which I only have missed having once or twice!!)
to relying mostly on this (which is still really exciting for my kids)
and this.
Mason is a real trooper and it is now rare to hear him
complain about his legs being too tired.

We also had our own washer and dryer and now have to go down 5 floors to use the coin operated laundry!!! The bonus of that, is that I can use as many washers and dryers as I need!! Say yes to getting 3-4 loads of laundry all done in and 1 1/2hrs!!! Minus the folding....which I procrastinate!! But a big frown to having to pay for every load :(

But there have also been a lot of little changes that I think are funny or weird or just plain different!! Take for instance milk in a bag.....what the what??? I am serious....you cannot buy 4 liter jugs of milk here. You buy 4 liter bags....which have 3 smaller bags in them that you place in your milk pitchers!!
I still think it is weird :) ha ha

We also used to see black bears.....
and now we see black squirrels....
I don't know why but if you ask me black
squirrels just seem more creepy than the cute little brown ones!! ha ha

There are also very few coniferous trees out here, but a huge variety of everything else resulting in BEAUTIFUL fall colors. The leaves are just starting to change and I am so excited to see all the different colors.
Did I mention that the leaves are HUGE too!!!
Just some of them...lol, I don't know that I
have seen such big leaves on a tree before!

They also like to decorate their flowerbeds with cabbage heads....
I am sure they are not really cabbage heads but that is what they remind me of!
They also cover so many buildings in green stuff too!! ha ha, which I absolutely love!!
The pigeons are everywhere!! Mason loves to
chase them when ever he gets the chance!
And Aubrey is really starting to fit in here! lol, she loves wearing my scarves just as much as I do, but she is so much cuter!!
That is us in a nutshell here! We are loving living in the big city and find it so fun to do all of the neat things Toronto has to offer! We would be more than happy to have anyone come to visit us, so if you are ever out this way give us a shout and we will show you the ropes!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blog Brain!!

I am sure it happens to everyone who starts up a blog....you start thinking your day in blog posts!! Kind of like when facebook came out everyone was thinking in 3rd person status updates!! Carla Sommerfeld wants chocolate!!! Well I definitely have blog brain!!
I am constantly thinking of things throughout the day that I would like to blog about....only problem is that I sit down to write and can't think of a single one of my witty blog posts!! The other problem is just finding the time to
write!!! oye!! Even right now I should be getting that pumpkin used up in my fridge and make a wonderful dessert out of it...or I should stop my kids from the never ending bickering....which will probably only get worse as Aubrey learns to talk back!! Or I could get busy and sort the mail stacking up on my fridge!
But instead today I decided to at least write this
post.....oh blog brain! I am sure one day I will get up all the fun posts I want to do!! All the way from downtown Toronto!!