Do you ever have a bunch of extra cash lying around that you just don't know what to do with? neither!!! :) But sometimes I do have extra in pizza dough!
I feel like I have a bit of a gem of a recipe and it is only fair to share it right? This pizza dough whips up so quickly I don't know why anyone would use another one. And it is good too! I have had this recipe book for a long time.....I don't even remember exactly where I got it from but it has some great recipes in it. The recipe book is called Back to Family Time.

I couldn't even tell you where to get a copy. But I will share with you a recipe from it. You can tell a cookbook is well loved when it practically falls open to the right page. And just so you can see how loved this book is.....
take a good look at that! That was always how I knew to find the good recipes in my mom's cookbook! The pages were well worn and often had oil spots!
But back to the actual recipe. It is seriously so easy!
Pizza Dough
In a medium bowl combine the following ingredients:
2 cups flour
1 1/4 tsp. instant yeast
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp oil
1 cup warm water
Mix this up with a sturdy spoon and incorporate a little flour at a time while kneading to make a smooth ball. Roll out dough to fit your greased pizza pan or cookie sheet. Allow to rise in a warmed oven for 10-15 min. Place desired toppings on crust.
Bake for 15-20 min at 375˚F.
A few notes about this recipe. The dough is okay to be a little sticky still, too much flour will make for a denser drier dough. I like my dough to hold its shape but be a little sticky because it makes the dough really light and fluffy when baked. This will make enough dough for one round pizza pan or a really thin crust on a regular cookie sheet. The recipe also doubles really easy and this is where I have extra dough....I do it on purpose!! After you have devoured your pizza you can use extra dough to make this........
Heaven I tell ya!!
I divide the extra dough into 2 equal portions. Then roll them out into circles. On one layer I spread some melted butter and then sprinkle with cinnamon and white sugar. I place the other layer of dough over top and seal edges. Then spread a little more melted butter and cinnamon and sugar over the top. You can use your judgement here on how much butter and cinnamon
and sugar you use.....I won't tell if you use a lot....
Now to get the pretty twists use a pizza cutter or a knife and make slits in the dough (but not all the way to the center) around the pizza. So it looks like a sun. Twist each section 2-3 times and then bake it in the oven for 10-15 min. This needs less time than the pizza because you only need to cook the dough not all the toppings.
When it comes out of the oven drizzle with a glaze made of icing sugar and milk and then devour warm!!! It's good cooled too, not that it usually lasts that long!
yuuuuuuuumy! :-)