Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby # 3!!!!

So as many probably know, we are expecting baby number 3!!!! We are pretty darn excited about this too. This is probably going to feel like the longest pregnancy ever, considering I found out I was pregnant when I was only 3 weeks 2 days(according to my doctors charts). Most don't find out this early. I have had a wonky period for the last year as I talked about in this post.  So trying to decide when to pee on the stick presented a challenge. I could have waited until I missed a period, but I am not a very patient person. So based off my somewhat regular 26 day cycle I took the test a few days early and got a positive reading. My doctor had told me to come in as soon as I found out I was pregnant because it is really difficult to get accepted by OB/GYN's here. If you don't get in before 5-8 weeks, sometimes you're out of luck. My family doctor also sent me for a dating ultrasound because of my irregularity she wanted to be sure on the dates. That's when we found out we were having a frog.....I mean baby, due around March 8th! :)
We had another ultrasound at about 13 weeks to do the nuchal translucency screening to test for downs syndrome. It is a completely optional test, but I was just more excited to see the baby again! Mike said it was jumping and moving around like crazy during the ultrasound which seemed crazy to me because I couldn't feel anything. But everything was looking great and right on track, and we could see that it looked a lot more like a baby this time. Oh they also moved my date up to March 3rd.
I am now 16 1/2 weeks, and into the easy stage of pregnancy, where I really don't feel pregnant just kind of tubby! I am over the morning sickness (thank goodness) which I really shouldn't complain about, I only suffered from nausea this time and no throwing up! I am showing a lot earlier this pregnancy, which I hear happens after your second and third child.  Hopefully baby catches up with my belly soon though! I am also excited and hopeful to start to feel the baby move. I keep telling myself....any day now!

I plan on keeping up with belly pics on here so feel free to check back at my growing belly over the next few months! :)

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