-last time I checked my weight gain was right around 17 lbs.
-the last two weeks I have tried to stay home as much as possible. Walking is a real pain, ha ha ha....literally!
-baby is full term and really just needs to make his appearance.
-I have had an increase of Braxton Hicks contractions this week....just enough to give me a tease and think it could be the start of something. But still nothing happening.
-there really isn't too much exciting to repot at this stage, unless you want a little TMI of things that happen at my doctors appointments!
-on a safe note though, at my last two doctors appointments she checked me and I was 1cm dialated each time.
There have been a few other things that indicate labor should happen soon, but soon is a relative term, it could still be another week. I do have yet another ultrasound booked for this Tuesday. If I don't go into labor before then it will be my 5th ultrasound for this pregnancy alone. I only ever had one with each of my other babies. This one would be to check on the baby to make sure everything is still ok, or if they feel the need to induce. I have a feeling if I need to go for the ultrasound they will tell me he can stay in for another week....which means I could be pregnant until the 12th. The other thing that is hard around this time is seeing other women/friends who were due around the same time as me having their babies. Lol, I just wish I could feel super happy for them, but I am human and feel just a little jealous. I am not sure how many times Mason will make it to school this week, unless I can recruit a few friends to pick him up for me. He has spring break the following week so it will be nice to have a bit of a break before I have to start walking with him again. Aubrey is still anxiously waiting for this little guy too. She is very excited to be a big sister, and keeps telling her brother it is time to come out. We are all just really anxious to meet this little guy, and hope he comes this week!
Aubrey always likes jumping in the pictures with me! I think she is cuter to look at anyways!
Aubrey is my favourite. Love her pregnancy poses. Come on baby...
ReplyDeleteKeep going, Mama! That sweet baby is almost here!