Thursday, October 17, 2013

A post with no pictures.

Good golly! I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I last made a post. I guess it's time for an update! Life has been going all too fast these last few weeks! I can't even believe October is halfway over. So what have we been up to?
Well we squeezed a lot into the last few weeks of summer and we had a blast. I had my birthday....big 27! lol, I feel like its way closer to 30 than 26 was. We had cake with some friends, then went boating the next day. We also hit up Edmonton that weekend and did some shopping.
We have had lots of our family come and visit us, and it has been so wonderful. I love living close to family again. When we lived in Toronto it was almost a year before we had anyone come visit us, and then we had my parents and Mikes parents each visit once. So we have loved being close to family again. Don't get me 8 hr drive in a car to Waterton, with three kids is no walk in the park, but it is much more affordable than trips to and from Toronto. We have made it down there 3 times in the last 6 months so we are doing pretty good. We have also loved having people over for visits, games, and food! We love food here....both making it and eating it!
We did a bit more boating, a few days at the spray park, and a few more days outside in shorts.....then fall hit. Don't get me wrong....I love fall.....but after fall comes winter...which I don't love. Therefore fall isn't my favourite season. But with fall, came Mason starting school (which he loves) and I love that it is an even closer walk to school than we had in Toronto. He loves going and coming home and telling me all that he has done and made.
October came and with it came the start of volleyball for me, thanksgiving and preparations for Halloween. A good friend of mine came up with a proposition for her and I. We both want to get back in shape, so we have given ourselves until May to lose our goals of 15-20 lbs. If we are successful....we get to go to Vegas together! So I am extra motivated to get in shape. I have loved playing volleyball again, and I may not be the star player on my team, but I am having a blast. I have also started working out at home again. We took before pictures, and hope to have some killer bods for our after pictures. If I get confident enough one day I might post them. For now I am way to embarrassed to show anybody!
Thanksgiving was awesome, we had two days of back to back delicious food! Hmmm....guess weight loss and eating lots of food don't go hand in hand, but I guess that means I have to work out extra hard these next few weeks! :) We still had a great time visiting with friends and family and remembering all we have to be thankful for.
The weather is getting colder now and Halloween is coming. Mason changes his mind daily about what he wants to be. I guess we need to narrow it down so we can figure out a costume in time.
Jaxen is now 7 months old and he is crawling all over the place. I can't believe how big he is getting some days. Aubrey enjoys her time at home with mom while Mason is in school. It's great being able to play dolls, paint our toe nails and bake together. I love having a little girl!
Overall we have been doing really well. I am thoroughly enjoying my life right now and I am excited for the future too. I still can't believe how fast time has been going. I promise I will have some more posts up soon....with pictures!

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