I will just let you know now....we are going to have some girl chat. If by any chance there are guys out there that read this blog....feel free to skip this one!! I think we are all big girls and it is shouldn't be awkward to talk about this.
I am talking about "that time of the month"!! I am curious to see if others have had as many issues with irregularity as I have!! And if so....howhave you gone about dealing with it.
My whole life I have been as regular as clock work. Within a day that it was to be expected it came....and when it didn't I knew without have to take a test that I was pregnant! Even after I had Mason I went back to my very regular schedule just 6 weeks after having him!!!
No nice break for me!!! Well after I had Aubrey I went a couple months without my period. It was a nice little break. Then I got one, then I missed a month....got another one and have been somewhat regular since then....sort of....It does come roughly every month....sometimes more. I went from being a solid 28 day cycle girl to having it come at day 24, then day 26, then day 21, then day 25, then day 19, then day 28 to the most recent 17 stinking days!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? That is only a week and a half after I just finished my last one!!!! This completely unpredictable cycle has left me stranded on a subway with 2 kids and nothing but white
shorts.....sad day....it has left me wondering if I am pregnant when it actually doesn't come until day 28 1/2....it has just left me frustrated!!!
Along with being completely irregular in my cycle times my moods and cramps come and go depending on the month. Last month was fine no problems...this time Mike probably thought I was going to bite his head off...and I am desperately searching for the Tylenol bottle (which I even put off as long as I can because I hate taking pills).
I am thinking it is about time that I go talk to my doctor. For the first time in my life I have a female doctor and from what I have seen with her working with the kids she is great. I totally feel for all you women out there that have suffered with irregular cycles your whole life.....how have you figured it out....or do you just grin and sort of bear it?
Well I can say for myself....I am about ready to be REGULAR again!!! Well here is to my 2 best friend this week!

Hope your "week" goes better than mine!!! :)