Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby # 3!!!!

So as many probably know, we are expecting baby number 3!!!! We are pretty darn excited about this too. This is probably going to feel like the longest pregnancy ever, considering I found out I was pregnant when I was only 3 weeks 2 days(according to my doctors charts). Most don't find out this early. I have had a wonky period for the last year as I talked about in this post.  So trying to decide when to pee on the stick presented a challenge. I could have waited until I missed a period, but I am not a very patient person. So based off my somewhat regular 26 day cycle I took the test a few days early and got a positive reading. My doctor had told me to come in as soon as I found out I was pregnant because it is really difficult to get accepted by OB/GYN's here. If you don't get in before 5-8 weeks, sometimes you're out of luck. My family doctor also sent me for a dating ultrasound because of my irregularity she wanted to be sure on the dates. That's when we found out we were having a frog.....I mean baby, due around March 8th! :)
We had another ultrasound at about 13 weeks to do the nuchal translucency screening to test for downs syndrome. It is a completely optional test, but I was just more excited to see the baby again! Mike said it was jumping and moving around like crazy during the ultrasound which seemed crazy to me because I couldn't feel anything. But everything was looking great and right on track, and we could see that it looked a lot more like a baby this time. Oh they also moved my date up to March 3rd.
I am now 16 1/2 weeks, and into the easy stage of pregnancy, where I really don't feel pregnant just kind of tubby! I am over the morning sickness (thank goodness) which I really shouldn't complain about, I only suffered from nausea this time and no throwing up! I am showing a lot earlier this pregnancy, which I hear happens after your second and third child.  Hopefully baby catches up with my belly soon though! I am also excited and hopeful to start to feel the baby move. I keep telling myself....any day now!

I plan on keeping up with belly pics on here so feel free to check back at my growing belly over the next few months! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bad Night

So one of the "perks" of living in U of T student family housing is the cockroaches. Did I say perks? I of the most disgusting things ever! I really feel for the most part that we keep our house really clean. I have tried to do everything I can to reduce our chances of getting them too, like making sure there is no cardboard laying around,  keeping food tightly sealed, keeping food messes cleaned and not letting the garbage sit. Sometimes we go a long time without seeing these creepy little crawlers. But sometimes it is out of our control. I would like to blame it on the neighbors....or maybe changing weather, but I really don't think it has anything to do with us. Luckily our building also does regular treatments for said roaches at no cost to us. Not so luckily the treatment we get has no effect on baby cockroaches.....which turn into adult cockroaches. The baby ones we get are a little bit bigger than a fruit fly, and those I can kill easily. It's the big ones, half an inch to an inch that I can't handle....Mike has to kill them, and if Mike isn't around, then one of Mikes big sturdy shoes has to do the job.
So why such a bad night you ask? Because I have to get up in the middle of the night to happens every night right now, sometimes twice, but that isn't what ruined my night. Nope, what ruined my night was walking into the bathroom to see not one, not even two.....but FOUR cockroaches scurrying around. They were ones that were on their way to being too big for me to kill, and had it been daytime, I would have called Mike, but I was trying to be nice and let him sleep. Now the other thing about cockroaches....they are fast.....and they don't like to die. It was traumatic for me. I did get them, and then flushed them down the toilet to be sure. But when I went to crawl back in bed, I COULD NOT SLEEP! All I could think about was how many more might be in my house at that moment.....I couldn't stop itching either. My restlessness woke up Mike....he tried to comfort me...I was still itchy, and still could not stop thinking about cockroaches crawling all over my kitchen, and bathroom, and maybe even my was a good solid hour before I drifted into a cockroach dreamland, which obviously wasn't very restful either.
We just got our apartment treated last week.....I might need to call them again.....I need my sleep.....

p.s. did I mention that I HATE cockroaches.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm Back!!!!

         Not that I was an exceptionally frequent blogger before, but I was pretty much MIA all summer from this here blog, and now I am back!! I have high hopes to be on here a lot more this coming fall. I have so much to write about. First of all I need to do a catch up and let you know what we did all summer long...there are probably a million pictures to go with that. We have some new exciting news that I will be talking about a lot on here, though I am sure if you have been on Facebook you already know what that is! :) I turned 26 this summer, Mason starts school, Mike is on his VERY LAST YEAR of his schooling(YAY!!!!!!!!!!) and Aubrey cracks me up daily!
        To start.....we have been in Toronto for a year now!!! That seems so crazy to me! A year ago this time we were cluelessly wandering the city trying to figure out where we were and which direction we needed to be going! I can't believe how fast it has gone, we have done so much and made some AMAZING friends and memories! I can't wait to see what else is in store for us over the next 10 months! I will be sure to keep you posted and I promise I will catch you up on everything in the near future!!