Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Challenge

Back in October of 2013, my dear friend MaryLou challenged me to a weight loss competition of sorts. We would each set out own weight loss goal, and if we both hit our mark we would go to Vegas together. We gave ourselves until May 1, seven months, to accomplish this. We knew that if we were going to do it right, it would take time. We had a plan to take before pictures, record and report to each other our weight and measurements, and email each other weekly with weigh-ins and progress reports. We would do our measurements once a month and share exercise routines and diet changes.
Weight is such a taboo topic in our day and age and everyone seems scared to disclose their weight. I am not going to let that bother me any more, because I know that my body is healthy and that I am in a good range for my height. Its just a number on a scale. So my plan....lose 15 pounds(realistic) in order to get to Vegas, but push to see if I could lose 20(a lofty goal).  You see my starting weight was 175.5 lbs. The lowest I had ever been in my adult life was 156...pre-baby, and working out at a gym regularly. To lose 20 lbs would be a stretch. But I was confident I could do 15.
And so I set out. For me I decided to start out slow, so I wouldn't get discouraged and wear myself out. I started watching my portion sizes, but not cutting anything out of my diet. If anyone knows me they know I love to bake....I can't give that up. But I can eat one cookie instead of three....or seven... and I can reduce the amount of food on my plate, because lets face it...I was still putting enough food on my plate for two, even though I wasn't pregnant or breastfeeding. I started exercising to an at-home work out DVD that was great for beginners, Amy Dixon Ultimate Fat Burn. I was sore the first few times I did it for sure, but I pushed through. I started out only doing it 2-3 times a week. And you know what....after the first month I probably only lost a pound. Maybe two. Sure it was a bit discouraging, but I kept going. I knew it wasn't going to be fast. Over the next few months I got a bit more disciplined about my food. I had my portion control down pat and I no longer wanted large meals. Exercising was getting easier.
Christmas came and went and even though I had lots of food and sweets, my body did not gain any weight back. It may have gone up for a few days, but came back down once I resumed my regular meals and exercise. In January I needed a change in my workout routine, so I started Jillian 30 day shred.  I think I did week one twice and week three twice, and by mid-February I decided to really push myself. I amped it up to Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. It was HARD!!! This is when I really started to notice a big change in the scale. I was building muscle and burning fat like crazy. My body was becoming more lean and toned and I felt great. In late March/early April, I think I was really close to my goal of 15 pounds. But I still wanted to push.
 In order to give ourselves enough time to book our trip we bumped our goal date to April 17. I continued to work out doing Jillian 4-5 times a week.  My diet had not changed significantly. I still ate whatever I wanted. All in moderation and at smart times. I ate way more vegetables and fruits and less carbs and sweets. I tried to avoid eating late as much as possible. I began to crave nutrient rich food, and feel sick when I ate too much junk or ate too late. Two weeks before weigh in, I borrowed a friends juicer. I had heard a bit about juicing, but wasn't sure if I would like it so I wanted to try before I committed to buying one.

 I replaced only one meal a day, usually breakfast or lunch with juicing. I loved it! My final weigh in I was down 18 lbs. That was good enough for me!! I made it to 157 lbs.  Six pounds less than I was at my high school grad. Wahoo!!! I felt great. After I passed our cut off date, Mike told me I had to keep it off for Vegas. I gave my body a break from the intense workouts and started a 30 day challenge of  push ups, squats, lunges and sit ups. Week after week my weight stayed within 1-3 pounds of 157. I had lost the weight for good, and I wasn't rebounding back. That was the best feeling. It took SEVEN months to lose that weight, it wasn't a quick fix, but a long term fix. Of course if I start getting really lazy and eating a ton of junk I will put it back on but I don't plan on letting that happen. Mike and I liked juicing so much that he bought me a juicer for mothers day. We use it all the time, and my body craves it when I go too many days without it.

Because the weight came off so slowly I hadn't really noticed a huge difference when I looked in the mirror. I knew I had lost weight because the scale said so, and my clothes were baggy. Those jeans used to be tight on me! It wasn't until I put my before and afters side by side that I could really see the difference.
I debated a long time about putting my pictures up here on the blog. I mean...its my work out clothes....with skin showing... and the whole world could see it if they chose to But I am proud of the work that I did,  and hope that maybe it can help someone else feel motivated. This isn't a quick fix though took hard work over a seven month period.
I once heard that it takes 9 months to put on baby weight, expect that it will take nine months to lose it again. Don't get discouraged!
I have already had my trip to Vegas, and it was a BLAST!! So worth it too. I will tell you about it another time. Having a reward to work towards made working out easier. I highly recommend it. It doesn't have to be a huge trip, but something you really want, and you will push hard to get it!


  1. First of all, congratulations! I'm so with you on lifestyle changes and how difficult it can be at times. I had 70 to lose (stacking 40 prego on my already 30+) and it's been a learning journey after baby #4 (almost two years ago!) Anyway, I applaud you and the pictures because I've done that a bit, too, with my sister. P.s....less than 30 to go. P.p.s. Us tall girls always weigh more than people would think, right?!

  2. HOLY CRAP this is amazing!!!! You totally rock!!!! You are seriously an inspiration. Way to go, Carla. This is a huge accomplishment and you deserved that trip and then some! So proud of you. :)

  3. Ow ow! Great work Carla! I just saw MaryLou this week and was so impressed with how in shape she is, too! What a fabulous way to get motivated (trip to Vegas with a friend)! And you are certainly right that it's all about making lifestyle changes; that's the way to achieve healthy weightloss that is long lasting. Keep it up Carla!
