Mike's Birthday was last Sunday, Jan. 8th. Birthday's don't seem to be too big of a deal for Mike. Usually we have his family come over, eat some cake and that is about it. Well being here in Toronto this year....it was highly unlikely that his family would be making it out to his birthday. I know that he loves his "little family" here, but I still wanted to do a little something for his birthday. On Sat. we dropped the kids off at a friends house, then went out for some lunch and a bit of shopping. We got a little cake from a bakery for dessert!!

It was delicious!! We came home ate some, went and picked up the kids and called it a day. I wanted to do something on his birthday though. I thought it would be nice to have some people over, but our place is so tiny I knew we would have to keep our numbers few. He didn't mention wanting to have anyone over for his birthday so I took matters into my own hands and decided to throw a "mini surprise party" for him.
I contacted a few of the friends we have met since we have been here, and made the arrangements. Someone was going to come watch our kids after we had put them to bed, while I took Mike out for one last "surprise" for his birthday. We went for a short walk, and drank our hot chocolate....everyone else snuck into our house, then the babysitter called to say that Mason had thrown up. Really it would have been a total success if I hadn't had one little slip earlier in the day. That got his brain thinking and wondering if I was planning anything. But I think by the time we were almost home, talking about cleaning up puke and what blankets we would use, I had his mind off it!!
I also told the babysitter that she could get the kids back out of bed right after we left. Mason was so concerned that we would have a party without him, I just couldn't leave him in bed. Of course they were ecstatic! Our guests had brought a few decorations and jazzed the place up and the kids were going wild with the balloons and streamers. I wish I got pictures of it all. But I was trying to quickly put the finishing touches on his cake and missed the opportunity. I tried taking a few later, but the quality of them was so poor they were not worth posting. I am working on my photo skills....I have a long way to go! But I will talk more about that another time.
We sang, had some cake and then put the kids back to bed. Played a few games then everyone headed home because of early monday morning! Back to school and back to work for everyone! I was really glad I could do a little something for my favorite guy! I think he was a little bummed at the beginning of the day....thinking not much was going to happen, but I think he had a good time! I took a few pictures the next day of Mike enjoying his left over cake. That is all I have to document his birthday this year!!

The cake I made was delicious too....but I am going to write a post about that later!! :)