So I haven't done a ton of blogging lately, because I have kind of been side tracked with crocheting! A few other things here and there too, but mostly crocheting. Even my baking and cooking has taken a back seat ( I'm sure Mikes not too thrilled about it!). Like I mentioned in this post I have been crocheting for a long time. Occasionally I think about making some type of business but then I think I might not like crocheting after a while. So I keep it a hobby and if some one here of there wants me to make them something I am happy to. So what have I been making lately? Let me show are way better than words right? Well my pictures aren't anything amazing but they are there! A few of these things I have found on pinterest, a few I have just made up as I went. I will try to give credit where credit is due!

I made this hat up as I went using basic concepts I have learned from other patterns. I made up the horns completely and I was really happy with how it turned out!

I just love how cute she is! I could take a million pictures of her!
I found this pattern here, but I made them a little bigger so that they could fit Aubrey. I still need to add a button or something to them but I just haven't found the right ones yet!

I found these tiny baby booties here, and then I just made the hat up as I went.

I didn't have a model small enough to try these on so I found Aubrey's bunny!
I love these little ones so much and they kind of make me want another baby! Shhh don't tell!

I made this scarf from an old t-shirt and a similar tutorial is found here!
I can wear mine double up or really long.

I made these boots from this pattern, and I absolutely love them! I need to see if I can figure it out so I can make some in my size!
I love them so much they need a few pics!

This is an old hat of Aubrey's that I revamped with a new flower. I changed the pattern a little but you can get the basic one here.
This little snake was also found off pinterest. You can find the pattern here.
I made these hats for a friend, I won the patterns from Inner Hooker, you can purchase her patterns on Etsy.
I will be trying a lot more patterns in the next little while. I have loved finding so many fun projects on Pinterest!!!