So a little while ago I posted about Mason wanting to marry someone he loves, which of course I thought was soooo sweet!!!! Mike loves to ask Mason really interesting questions to get him thinking, so last night at the dinner table Mike asked "Mason who are you going to marry when you grow up?"
"I am going to marry Mommy!!!" came his quick reply!!
I am sure this in not the first time in history that a child has wanted to marry their parent....ha ha that sounds weird, but as an innocent 3 year old it is adorable!
But as soon as Mike told Mason that he couldn't marry his mommy the heartbreak was clearly evident on his face!! With a look of dismay that practically broke my heart he said...."but I love her!!!"
I am serious when I say he was on the verge of tears!!! How do you tell your 3 year old that he can't marry you and break his little heart!!! We did our best to explain that I was already married to daddy and that I couldn't marry anyone else. We tried to tell him that he would find someone one day that he loved even more than mommy....that was a flop as he just kept saying "but I love mommy!!"
I told him over and over that I loved him too, and to not worry because I will always love him!! We changed subjects and resumed eating our dinner....maybe we are still a little young to grasp the concept!! I am not too worried about it, he is after all only 3!! But it sure was sweet to know that he loves me so much!!
Have you ever had to break a little kids heart?? How did you let them down easy?? lol
I will cherish these times that he loves me so much....because he might not like me so much when he hits the teen years! Here is to hoping he never forgets how much I love him!!
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